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September 15 2024

Thank you so much for making it to my page!! I am stoked to see you at my show. Please come up and say hi!

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October 2nd 2024

Thank you so much for making it to my page!! I am stoked to see you at my show. Please come up and say hi!

Hotel Ziggy

8462 W Sunset Blvd,

West Hollywood, CA 90069

See me Live

Bad Tonight


Pitch Black Room

2023 Releases

Moon, Circles, Fake

Alec Jordan

Artist - Musician - Songwriter

Just finished my newest project.

I entered this project with the goal of making timeless music

I wanted to create music that would inspire and awaken audience’s emotions, whether the songs were played acoustically or backed by a full band.

I am extremely proud of how this project evolved.

I am looking forward to sharing what We created soon.

-Alec Jordan-


Rooftop Project, Volume 2 is the end of an era for me. This project is a conclusion and a goodbye to my home state; “Washington”. Releasing RPV2 is full of mixed emotions. There are things I am excited to leave behind and others I am terrified to be without. I am ready to start my new life, and this project was necessary in order to move on both emotionally as well as creatively; leaving behind a sound in my music that once felt like me, as well as leaving behind the insecure kid who started this journey. I am so grateful for his bravery and willingness to work hard and be vulnerable. I will always have that motivated, yet humble kid inside me, but it is time to move on and take the next step.

I am blessed and so thankful to everyone who has helped shape me into the man I am becoming.

-Alec Jordan



1000 Lives


Keep It

(feat JonesJrr)




Contact Me

Los Angeles California
