My Story

Hi, my name is Alec Jordan I was born August 5th 1998 in Puyallup Washington. Just a little bit about me “Alec Jordan” I go to bed before 10pm on most nights and don’t really enjoy going out. When I am out you would never guess that I am an introvert because I come across confident. I played competitive basketball and tennis growing up and no one knew I made music. I have been writing since I was a kid and the songwriting process is my favorite part of what I do. I overthink most situations no matter how small (trust me I’m working on it). I do most of my songwriting in the morning, like early morning with my coffee. I don’t love social media but I do love the ability to connect and learn more about every single person who listens to my music. I hope my music can be can make you feel something; I hope it can be there to get you through breakups and be there when you fall in love. Most of all I hope my music can be something you turn to so that you know you are not alone.